Our parish provides several methods for parishioners to make their offertory contributions. We also provide a list of options that parishioners can include in their estate planning.
Registered parishioners receive a monthly packet of contribution envelopes, which includes envelopes for Sundays, Holy Days, special collections, maintenance fund, and the capital campaign. These envelopes are placed in the collection baskets during the Offertory at Mass. Please call the Parish Office (483-8454) if you are not currently receiving the packet but wish to.
Most parishioners can also arrange through their bank to have electronically created checks mailed from their account to the church. It is important that the check show the parishioner’s
envelope account number and the
purpose for the check, such as Sunday, Campaign, Holy Day, etc. Example:
9876 Campaign or
9876 Sunday.
Checks should be made payable to:
St. John the Evangelist Church
5751 Locust Ave
Carmichael, CA 95608-1320
Parishioners can also create an account with WeShare through which money is deducted from the person’s bank account (checking or savings) or credit card and deposited directly into the church’s bank account. Accounts can be created and donations specified by going to the WeShare site:
Parishioners may also contact WeShare Customer Support
for assistance in creating an account for themselves by calling (800) 950-9952 or email to [email protected] .
PLANNED GIVING Through various planned giving options, parishioners are able to designate proceeds from their estate to be transferred to their church and other charities.