Baptism of infants and young children (under the age of 6)
Parents are responsible to gather all forms and return them together to the Parish Office. This must happen prior to attending the mandatory parent and godparent baptism class.After submitting a completed form, one of the deacons will contact you with information on the date and time of the next Baptism class. They are usually held once a month.
The Baptism preparation class is for godparents and all parents wanting their child(ren) baptized. Parents need to register, fill out and return the paper work to the Parish Office before attending the class. Registration packets are available in the Parish office and
If the paperwork is not turned in to the office prior to attending the class, we will not be able to schedule a date for the baptism class or for a Baptism until the forms are reviewed by a priest or deacon. You can start the paper work as early as you would like. Please note: If your child is 6 years old and up, you also need to contact our Director of ReligiousEducation before you attend the baptism class.
Classes are held in Mercy Hall. Mercy Hall is located behind the Rectory. Please park in the main church parking lot and look for the open gate between the Church and the school office. Mercy hall is the next building past the end of the school.
Godparents are required to fill out the Godparent form before they attend the baptism class here at St. John the Evangelist or at another parish. At least one Godparent must be 16 years of age or older, be a practicing Catholic (going to Mass regularly) and be fully initiated, (having received the sacraments of Baptism, Holy Communion & Confirmation) and if married, married in the Catholic Church.If single, living appropriately according to the Catholic Church teachings.
From the CODE OF CANON LAW: One Sponsor (godparent); male or female, is sufficient; but there may be two, one for each sex. (Canon #873)
St. John the Evangelist schedules baptisms in groups. Baptisms are held once a month. After having all the paper work completed and attending the class, you will then be ready to select the date for the Baptism from the dates the parish offers.
You are encouraged to select a saint's name for your child before attending the Baptism class. That name will be added to the Litany of Saints at the Baptism and can be used as their Confirmation name.
After the Baptism, if you want a copy of the Baptismal certificate (this is recommended), please contact the parish office.